How to Pick the Perfect Exterior Paint Colors for Your Home

Choosing the right exterior paint colors for your home can significantly enhance its curb appeal and value. With so many options available, making the right decision can be overwhelming. At Serendib Paints, we are dedicated to helping you find the perfect color that reflects your style and complements your home’s architecture. Here’s a guide to help you pick the perfect exterior paint colors for your home.

1. Consider Your Home’s Architectural Style

Why It’s Important: Different architectural styles have their own color schemes that work best. Choosing colors that complement your home’s style can enhance its aesthetic appeal.


  • Victorian Homes: Often look great with bold and contrasting colors.
  • Craftsman Homes: Typically feature earth tones and natural shades.
  • Colonial Homes: Classic whites, blues, and grays are popular choices.

More on Architectural Styles: Visit our paint section to explore colors that suit various styles.

2. Assess Your Neighborhood

Why It’s Important: While you want your home to stand out, it should also harmonize with the surrounding houses. Consider your neighborhood’s color palette to ensure your home doesn’t clash with others.


  • Walk around your neighborhood and take note of color schemes.
  • Choose a unique shade that complements, rather than clashes, with neighboring homes.

Why It’s Important: Proper preparation ensures that the paint adheres well and lasts longer. Skipping preparation can result in peeling or chipping paint.

3. Factor in the Landscape

Why It’s Important: Your home’s landscape, including gardens, trees, and other natural elements, should influence your color choice. Choose hues that blend well with your surroundings.


  • Earthy tones work well with lush, green landscapes.
  • Neutral colors can complement a variety of landscapes.

Explore More: Discover how to match paint colors with your landscape in our technical bulletins.

4. Test Paint Samples

Why It’s Important: Colors can appear different under various lighting conditions. Testing samples on your exterior walls helps you see how the color looks in natural light and weather conditions.


  • Paint small sections of your exterior with sample colors.
  • Observe the colors at different times of the day to see how they change with the light.

5. Choose Complementary Trim and Accent Colors

Why It’s Important: Complementary colors for trim and accents can enhance the overall look of your home. These colors can add depth and interest to your exterior.


  • Trim colors should generally be lighter or darker than the main color.
  • Use accent colors sparingly on doors, shutters, and architectural features.

Color Coordination: For advice on choosing trim and accent colors, visit our problem solver – exterior page.

6. Consider the Materials

Why It’s Important: The materials of your home’s exterior—wood, brick, stone—have their own textures and colors that can influence your paint choice. Ensure your chosen paint color works well with these materials.


  • If your home has a stone or brick foundation, choose a color that complements these elements.
  • For wooden homes, consider the grain and texture of the wood when selecting colors.

Material Guide: Learn more about choosing paint for different materials in our technical bulletins.

7. Think About the Future

Why It’s Important: Exterior paint is a significant investment. Choose colors that you will be happy with for several years and that will withstand changing trends.


  • Neutral colors tend to be timeless and less likely to go out of style.
  • Consider how the color will age and whether it will remain appealing over time.

Why Choose Serendib Paints?

At Serendib Paints, we are dedicated to providing high-quality paint and expert advice to help you achieve the perfect look for your home. Our knowledgeable staff are here to assist you with color selection and provide samples so you can make the best choice for your exterior painting project.